Green Juice is the Best Post-Workout Drink

It is without any doubt very crucial for the 21st century human being to work out. More than ever before lifestyle diseases are creeping up into our bodies and paralyzing almost the entire humanity. Working out is one issue- another issue that has recently arisen stirring controversy is what next after working out? What do I drink to rejuvenate my body and bounce me back into full functionality

Without a shadow of a doubt, green juice is the way to go. Whether you work out frequently or infrequently- green juice is the way to go. What though, is this green juice and why is it such a vital post-workout delicacy?

What is green juice?
Green juice is a blended drink consisting of several fruits and vegetables, depending on your recipe by using a best masticating juicer. The most common ingredients of this beautiful drink include kales, celery, apples, cucumbers, lemon and ginger. The beauty about this drink is the fact that these ingredients are readily available from your local grocer and it is a burst of health going down your throat.

Why choose green juice?
The benefits that come with this drink, especially after workout, are so many. Such benefits include:

Recovery tool in one bottle
After you have worked out your entire body, you need recovery foods that will bounce you back with minimal time. This juice contains different minerals and vitamins from every different constituent ingredient in the juice. These nutrients are very crucial for recovery and also pump up your body even during and before workout.

Minimizes processed sugar intake
It is vital to note that sugar is very crucial during and after workouts. Most of these processed juices contain processed sugar which is very detrimental and almost reverses your entire workout progress. Because of this, green juice is a good alternative as it strictly contains natural sugar very good for your body.

Best for hydration and electrolyte intake
Workout drains out the water in us. This in effect also causes an electrolyte imbalance within our body. It is therefore crucial to get a drink that not only hydrates you but is also a 100% source of natural electrolytes. Green juice therefore not only provides you with the above but also with calories just enough to keep you going.

These reasons in no way cover all the aspects of this magical green juice’s impact on the human body. The dink is very crucial for a working out person as it replenishes the body and gives you the energy to go forward even after your workout. More than this, the drink can be consumed even before or during workouts among other instances and become a nutritional blessing to your body.
